Quality Contraction for Quality Physique

Here is a great tip to make every one’s workouts better – Learn to contract your muscle Under Load, especially if you have been training for awhile. If you are New “Try to learn/refine movements FIRST” and don’t complicate things.

Whenever you perform a resistance exercise you are basically “Lengthening” and “Shortening” a muscle against the load. In the shortened state make sure that you try to create your own tension by squeezing the particular area as hard as possible. YES it will be painful but that extra tension will help you gain muscle plus it will be demanding on overall system by damaging more muscle fibers.

This is where concentrating on “Internal Cues” plays a vital role. Instead of counting your reps (Always try to get as many reps as you can with a safe form) concentrate on building mind-muscle connection and think about the working muscle(s). With experience you can refine your contraction and it’ll make a huge difference in your physique.

Bonus Tip: Always try to squeeze a Dumbbell, Barbell, Band handle or whatever implement of external load you are using as hard as possible. Not only will it keep your elbows and wrists safe, it’ll also help create tension through your arms and upper body.

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