


Sleep is one of the most overlooked health factors, most people under prioritize it completely

The one thing that improves everything when it comes to fat loss and muscle gain is sleep. If you are not getting good quality and quantity sleep you are drastically limiting your results. Your fat loss will be much slower and will plateau much sooner or can possibly completely stop because of decrease in daily energy expenditure. Your muscle gain will be slow because slower recovery (risk of injury goes up). Strength will take a huge hit so the workouts will not be the same. Fatigue will negatively affect your stamina.

The Freakonomics of zzZZ

“After inadequate sleep attention becomes unstable, we have trouble thinking fast, cognitive processing speed is markedly reduced. Short-term memory begins to fail. We can’t hold things in our memory as well as when we’re full alert. The less sleep we gave people at night, so if went from seven or eight hours a night down to six or five, the more we got this cumulative rate of build-up of these deficits. They got worse every day.”

“You see very meaningful, consistent clinical data showing cardiovascular risk, metabolic risk, premature aging and cancers, problems with the brain, so it’s almost hard to find some tissues or systems that aren’t really affected with chronic sleep loss”

People with a bad history of sleep have no idea what a positive effects sleep can have and convince a person of an experience that they’ve never actually experienced is impossible it’s something that people will have to arrive at themselves .

Like Scott Abel says “All you have to do is start with regular sleep and wake times and stick to them no matter what. And eventually you will likely develop your own sleep-hygiene ritual as well”.

Sleep matters! For now, I leave you to just “sleep on it.”

And that’s it.

If your sleep is lacking and/or of poor quality, pretty much every conceivable aspect of health relative to common fitness thought is compromised

-muscle gains are way slower

-fat loss can be completely screwed

-strength won’t be there

-anything stamina related is going to take a hit

Really doesn’t matter what it is, it’s going to suffer. And that’s without mentioning mental acuity, daily energy, digestion, immunity, being more prone to injury, etc etc

-there’s also a 1000 and 1 studies linking sleep to lifespan and longevity

>Biggest Challenge

For people that have historically never slept well at all, and are both accustomed and in fact proud of how tired they are

They’ve no idea what it feels like to actually sleep well and the positive effects it can have

You’re trying to convince a person of an experience that they’ve never actually experienced.

So they’ll nod their head and agree (like a lot of people reading this)

And then resume their shitty habits and mental state

>>which leads myself as a trainer to say there are some thing people have to arrive at themselves.

Although it does pay to keep reminding them. Sometimes you have to hear something 1000 times before it meaningfully resonates.